HTTP Password not set!
Advanced Settings

© 2000-2016 snom AG
Some settings are not yet stored permanently. edit
Network Behavior Audio SIP/RTP QoS/Security Update
Quality of Service:
RTP Type of Service (TOS/Diffserv): help
SIP Type of Service (TOS/Diffserv): help
VLAN Id (0..4095): help
VLAN Priority (0..7): help
Un-/Tag VLAN traffic to/from specific switch ports:on off help
PC Port:
VLAN Id (0..4095): help
VLAN Priority (0..7): help
IEEE 802.1X Authentication:  help
User: help
Password: help
Ignore security advices:on off help
Use hidden tags:on off help
Restrict URI queries:on off help
Allow CSTA control:on off help
Empty client cert:on off help
Filter Packets from Registrar:on off help
Authentication for SIP Reboot:on off help
Authentication for SIP Check-Sync:on off help
Administrator Mode:on off help
Administrator Password: help
Administrator Password (Confirmation): help
Mininum PIN length: help
Maximum PIN retries: help
HTTP Server:
User: help
Password: help
Authentication Scheme:Digest Basic help
HTTP Client:
User: help
Password: help
HTTP Proxy:
User: help
Password: help
Upload Server Certificate: